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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Pass the WORD: Plant Today and Wait for Many Tomorrows

 “ If you plant today, it doesn’t mean you’ll harvest tomorrow. You’ll have to wait for many tomorrows  before you harvest” – Bo Sanchez
        There are times that after all the hardworking we did; we would still end up to disappointment. We were neither getting any credit at all nor any reward back. Then anytime we would surpass a trial, another will come right after and this time a heavier challenge. We are somehow like Pacman who needs to face a rematch every time we won. It seems that we need to prove that we are really the strongest one in this battle.
 Yet God has His own way of communicating to His people. God is good and he listens when we prayed. When He answered, He uses somebody to speak for Him.
 Bo Sanchez Practical Soulfood for Successful People’s article for today entitled How The Law of Farm Can Change your Life shares the real virtue of waiting, being patient and expecting that God’s reward will come in ways that will surprise us.
It may be true that most of the people around us may fail to acknowledge what we did for them. We may not be given credit nor we may not get what we expect things to happen right away. There may be thousands of reasons to lose hope but the good news is there are billions of reasons not to give up as well. So, just keep on doing what we have to do today. Keep on moving forward. Never focus on how rough life would be or painful. Just keep on planting and reap the best in God’s special time. Believe with God all things are possible. May our dreams come true.
 If you want more inspirational blogs from Bo Sanchez feel free to visit

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