What a stressful day!!! I have been absorbing negative forces from people around me. Pressures are starting to bug me and making me emotionally imbalance, waaahh. But just like any movies, somebody would always be there to save your day. A friend invited me to go out. We went to a nearby bar. Oooppss..not that I will get drunk but will do something different.
I only had a bottle of light beer while playing Keno. Not winning for 6 draws I have to stop and my friend challenged me to play pool. The last time I played pool was in College, nowadays, I only play pool online and I am winning,lol..So having that confidence I accepted the challenge.

We had three games and I didn’t win. Guess, this is not just my lucky day at all. well, even I didn’t win in playing Keno and pool, staying at the bar helped a little to vent some pressures in me. Most probably, I would have to add playing pool in my weekly activities. Wish me luck next time.;)
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